Dochas Carers Centre
Supporting Unpaid Carers
Bringing together people who care
Dochas Carers Centre
Lochgilphead, Argyll & Bute
T 01546 600 022
The Gallery was the result of a huge rise of community generosity towards the Dochas Fund’s hope to create a centre where carers of all conditions can be given support, information and guidance to help them and the person they care for. £81,000 was donated locally with the other funding of £23,000 given as grants or awards to finish the building and garden. The interior of the Dochas Centre was finished to perfection with the help of a special celebratory £21,000 grant from Lloyds TSB Foundation, who were marking their 21st birthday as a supporter of Scottish Charities.
The Centre is unique as Carers’ Centres go, as you enter into an Art Gallery, rather than walls covered in posters about illness or benefits. This was done, not just to make the building beautiful, but also to reflect John’s strong belief in the human psyche’s response to art.
Exhibitions by others are intended to arouse interest in artists, children’s projects and other selected shows at various times.
The Dochas Gallery does not charge commission on work sold, but exhibitors are invited to make a donation in support of work done by the Dochas Fund. This will obviously be affected by the quantity and sale of work exhibited.
For more information about exhibiting your work, please contact Catherine Paterson at